VGHS Survey

Yikes! A survey? I know. They are not the most popular thing in the world.

But, here’s the deal. We aren’t using this information to sell ads, or giving it away to some weird 3rd party creepers who will be spamming you with mail. Nope. This is for us to make RocketJump a better site for you.

The four of us here at RocketJump have decided to try to set out on our own and make the best possible video site with the best possible content. To help us do that we need to learn more about the people watching. Yup, thats you.

We care about what you think and what you like and do. It helps us figure out how to adjust the site, what features to add, what projects to pursue, and how to better communicate with you to make this site an incredible experience. We are glad you liked VGHS (and if you didn’t, now you have a chance to tell us why) but we want to do even better next time, and the time after that!

So do us a favor and fill out a few questions truthfully and we’ll do our best to keep delivering the goods. Because, as always, we can’t do it with out all of you.


– RocketJump Team.