Feast of Fiction
Season 1 - Episode 107

Zelda Heart Potion

Legend of Zelda Heart Potion, Sangria

3 peaches
2 lemons
2 blood oranges
1 regular orange
1 cup of raspberries
2 cups of strawberries
2 bottles of ginger ale
1/2 cup of rosewater
1 bottle of rose wine
3/4 cup of triple sec
1/3 cup of sugar
For a NON-alcoholic option, substitute any kind of juice for the rose wine and remove the triple sec.

Wash all fruit thoroughly.
Cut up fruit into small chunks and put into large mixing bowl or spigot jar. In a separate container, mix the rose wine and ginger ale together. Pour onto the fruit. Add in sugar, triple sec, rose water and mix together very well. Let the concoction sit in the fridge for 2 hours or more.

Serve! Delight! It’s a heart potion for your valentine!


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Feast of Fiction
PO Box 862272
Los Angeles, CA 90086